i have not been doing many projects on my own for this page because i have been focusing most of my energy on my duo with EnNinja http://enninja.newgrounds.com/
Posted by optimize - August 16th, 2015
i have not been doing many projects on my own for this page because i have been focusing most of my energy on my duo with EnNinja http://enninja.newgrounds.com/
Posted by optimize - June 4th, 2015
i just hit 50 followers!
to celebrate, i am will be doing shout out's to 7 and a half people!
and u guy's can ask me questions in the the comment section! Q 'n' A!
shout out's:
EnNinja: http://enninja.newgrounds.com/
OfficialRubix: http://officalrubix.newgrounds.com/
rukkas: http://rukkus.newgrounds.com/
HazardOxide: http://hazardoxyde.newgrounds.com/
the queen of England: http://www.royal.gov.uk/
presedent obama: https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/president-obama
EdKemper: http://edkempeper.newgrounds.com/
and for the last half;
AquaNinja360: http://aqu
ok and now SPEAK TO ME!
Posted by optimize - May 30th, 2015
hi guys,
it ended out to be that i did not really like half the songs in chipcrap
so have just decide to post it and think no more of it!
i may do an ep
or another album later on in the year
but apart from that hope u like chipcrap
ps: i was gunna do 8 song but i only made 5 cuz i thought that the album was crap so like a broken project!
BTW: it was realised today
Posted by optimize - May 14th, 2015
my song, zstep, has almost 1000 views and is featured, DANM!!!! Well all i can say is thankyou and lets carry on with this great work woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Edit: just hit 1,350 jeez cmon guys lets get to 2 thousand
not rly