I want to see your levels in GD!
I want to see your levels in GD!
lol now its 3672 views and 604
rly cool dude :3
yup i know right
PM one of the IDs for one of your levels, I will play it and comment on all of them
If you participate in my Creator contest I will get any of your N/A levels a new face of your choice (accept Auto or Demon). All you have to do is have your entry in by June 5th and post the ID here: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1403740449950338&id=100009431896188&pnref=story
PM one of the IDs for one of your levels, I will play it and comment on all of them
If you participate in my Creator contest I will get any of your N/A levels a new face of your choice (accept Auto or Demon). All you have to do is have your entry in by June 5th and post the ID here: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1403740449950338&id=100009431896188&pnref=story
dude... now it's over 3,500
Holy fu*k